Friday, November 6, 2009

Spotlight on Leah Hess

Leah Hess, from Houston, Texas. My husband and I met and married in Tennessee, so we call it "home" now. We came to GK from Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida, where we had been for a very sunny 18 months. We have a son, Wilson, who is 1 and are expecting our second child in May. I imagine if I had spare time I would make artwork (that is what my degree is in). But, in lieu of creating masterpieces I do manage to take photos, scrapbook, and send letters to family and friends (the real kind, on paper, in an envelope).

1. Three things I need to be happy are: Family, Friends, a church to call home
2. If I could be anywhere in the world I would be in: Florida, I miss it on these cold, rainy days!
3. The craziest thing I've ever done is: move to Germany
4. Five things I love to do around GK: take walks, work out with my hot Mama Hawcs!, eat doner durums, go to AWGK functions, and...hmmm... can I say "take walks" twice? There are just so many good places to walk around here!

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