Friday, November 6, 2009

Spotlight on Kelly Alderson

My name is Kelly Alderson and I spent most of growing up years in Seattle Washington. I graduated from Central Washington University with my Bachelors in Public Health and still hoping to eventually use it! I’m a former army brat so moving a lot is not new to me! Ben, my husband, and I were stationed at Tyndall in Panama City FL where he started his training as an Air Battle Manager. The only children we have right now are our two cats, Luc and Rockie. They need constant attention; I feed them and clean up after them. Sounds like children, doesn’t it? I’m currently working at the Bookmark at Schinnen and am enjoying making reading suggestions and espresso drinks. Though if something with a more m-f schedule came along, I may change directions. I’m also taking German classes through JFC Brunnsum and I’m finding out I’m not very good at it… It meets Monday nights, hence why I haven’t been to a few meetings lately. Spare time for me is spent reading, watching movies, or exploring the surrounding area of GK. I’m hoping to do lots of traveling while I’m here with the hubby and make lots of new friends along the way.
Name 3 things you need to have to be happy...
· A partner in crime (or husband)
· Something to drink (alcoholic or coffee related preferred J)
· A sense of adventure

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?
In Europe (oh wait, I’m already there!)

(Finish the sentence) the craziest thing I’ve ever done…
Getting married (I know, not that crazy but you haven’t heard the whole story yet…)

Name 5 places you love to go to around GK.
Sittard market either Thursday or Saturday
Try near by coffee shops/restaurants
Explore other areas near GK
Hanging out with friends in nearby areas.

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